
Week 9

What is interactivity to you?

I think interactivity consists of some experience where outcomes or narrative arcs are contingent on choices made by people experiencing or interacting with the experience. I don’t think is interactivity synonymous with the spatial turn in gaming.

Chris Crawford defines interactivity in terms of actors. Kate Compton, I think, defines interactivity in terms of “reflection-in-action”, or the “grokloop”.

Lev Manovich writes well. Chris Crawford’s writing contains so little depth and foresight in comparison. I haven’t finished The Language of New Media but I have skimmed it a couple times.

I do think that interactivity is a myth. I love that Manovich talks about interactivity in broad and coarse strokes - literature that requires users to fill in the missing information, or - in my opinion- piece together the information presented into a narrative, can be considered interactive.

I consider Zork interactive. GTA V is also interactive.

Art installations are interactive. YouTube videos are not interactive.

Does it add or detract to artmaking/storytelling - or when doesn’t and when does it?

Don’t try to explain everything with something interactive. Use interactivity only when interactivity works best, otherwise, supplement it with text & images.


How did the interactivity in Gone Home contribute to or change the effect of the story?

I don’t know, honestly.