
beginning a new semester

date: 9.2.24

Class documentation


I am eagerly anticipating the upcoming semester. I am going to plan my class projects around the game I’m working on.

I changed the title of the game from Afterlife to Turn Illness Into A Weapon but I haven’t changed the title of the game anywhere online yet. I’m waiting to make a new playable demo until after I’ve done some work on the game during the school semester.

Classes with publicly available syllabi:

I could not find a syllabus for the Auto Fictions class, though I did get to research the instructors a little bit.

As far as I can tell, the Applications seminar does not have assignments.

I tried to plan my projects for ICM: Media ahead of time as its syllabus is by far the most structured - or, at least, seems the least likely to change. However, many of the class assignments are lengthy in that they involve watching many YouTube videos.

The classes left to plan for are Physical Computing and Hypercinema.

physical computing ⭐️ project ideas

I felt blank looking at the syllabus until I remembered that I want to create a mecha suit. Ideally, I would then wear this mecha suit in a performance of the game soundtrack completed for the Auto Fictions class.

Each lab is actually quite detailed. I will simply try to redirect each lab toward the goal of making a mecha suit.

I want to finish the game by midterms, so my midterm physical computing project should be the completed mecha suit.

If I don’t succeed at meeting that deadline, I could focus on the mecha suit for both the midterm and final projects.

hypercinema ⭐️ project ideas

These class assignments are easier to adapt to the game more directly. There is no public syllabus for Hypercinema. I found these assignments on blogs kept by ITP students in years past.

Sound Walk

I could not find a publicly available syllabus, but I think the first assignment requires creating a sound walk. This is a lovely excuse to work on an immersive, diegetic soundtrack for my game.

Cornell Box

Okay. I think the game could have a casual creator for making a school lunch. This Cornell Box could exhibit the casual creator and/or its resulting lunchbox.

Character Animation

Character animation is a great addition to an interactive fiction game.

I’m not sure this will actually be an assignment, but I want it to be.

Stop Motion Animation

I am not sure what to do for this assignment.

At first I thought this could be a vehicle to make the game trailer, but then I remembered that game trailers need to show…gameplay.

I really hope this is not an assignment.

Augmented Reality

Maybe a minigame or prologue that takes places in augmented reality?

Could this be combined with the Cornell box? A lunchbox maker in AR?


Similar to the above. Some small game related artifact that takes place in three-dimensional space?

What about designing 3D scenes for backgrounds? That could be great.

Well…I will have to figure out how to adapt more of the Hypercinema assignments.